Acrylic Painting
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The first step before starting any piece, is to research about the concept you would like to explain. I start by writing down, everything that comes to my mind, then, I look for information or even look at previous work from myself, or people I admire.
When I have some ideas on my mind, I start drawing, fast and rough sketches, just to see which is the best way to represent the concept on the final product.
For this particular project, since I had to work on a skateboard, I used transparent paper to get an idea of the color palette and composition for this particular canvas.
After deciding on the sketch and color palette, I drew directly onto the board. Then, I started painting the first, second, and third layer with acrylic.
Little by little the characters started to come to life, thanks to a choice of bright colors and textures given to them with acrylic paint and crayons.
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